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Explore Genesis 3

  • Articles Collection cover image

    A Short History of Communication

    Over the past few days I have been preparing to preach on Genesis 3, one of those amazing biblical texts that just opens wide as you begin to study it. One clear application from the first seven verses is that we need to know, believe and stand upon the Word of God. Adam and Eve…

  • Why Does the Universe Look So Old?

    As you know I’m at Ligonier Ministries’ annual conference this week. I was going to give you some thoughts on the conference today but maybe I’ll do that another time. Today Al Mohler spoke on an exceedingly difficult topic–why does the universe look so old? And I think he did an exceptional job of providing…

  • The Deciding Point

    Yesterday I received an email from a reader of this site and today I’d like to answer it (with the permission of the person who sent it). Here is what he wrote: Thank you so much for your booklet, “Sexual Detox.” I have read it over and over, and am still very much challenged by…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    They Were Ready

    I figure that I’ve earned the right to occasionally re-post a past favorite article when circumstances so dictate (hey, it’s my site!). I’m doing that today. I wrote this one a couple of years ago and was thinking about it yesterday while sitting on a plane in the pouring rain. At four o’clock in the…

  • John 3:16 Conference: Message on Total Depravity from Dr. Paige Patterson

    Guest blog by Andrew Lindsey Congregation singing: “O How Marvelous, O How Wonderful” Dr. Paige Patterson: The most hated doctrine is not the doctrine of election, but the doctrine of the exclusivity of Christ. The second most hated doctrine is that of human depravity. “Everyone knows that I am not a Calvinist, I am not…

  • They Were Ready

    At four o’clock in the afternoon of August 2, 2005, I was just a few minutes into a long online training session with a software manufacturer. As we spoke, and as the technician showed me the features of this software, I suddenly noticed that it had gotten very dark in my office. I looked outside…

  • A Delight and a Frustration

    Being a parent is wonderful. Parenting is filled with moments of joy and happiness and excitement and love. But it’s also filled with moments of almost overwhelming frustration. We’ve had plenty of great times and plenty of awfully frustrating times in the past few weeks. A couple of days ago Aileen and I were talking…

  • T4G Session Three – Al Mohler

    After a very short break and a brief video about Boyce College, Al Mohler took the pulpit to bring a message on “Preaching with the Culture in View.” He is a bit nervous about the concept of preaching with culture in view, for he sees a polarity of dangers. There are some Christians who take…