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Explore Genesis 2:24

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 7)

    Good morning! May the Lord be with you and bless you today. There are a couple of Kindle deals that are worth a look. What Is Anxiety? This article by William Barcley will prove a worthwhile use of one of your three free monthly articles from Tabletalk (if you’re not a subscriber). “Most of our…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (August 21)

    At Westminster Books you’ll find a great sale on lots of hand-picked Zondervan resources. It includes a number of my books if you’ve been waiting for a sale! It was a joy to meet so many of you at Sing! 2019 and to hear such kind encouragement. I am heading home this morning, but leave…

  • Family

    Where Did Family Come From?

    We are at an interesting and perhaps unprecedented time in history when our understanding of family is being confronted and our definition of family is being rewritten. The social norms of Western society and the laws of Canada are changing fast. Things that only a generation ago were considered inadvisable, immoral, or just plain evil…

  • Family

    What Is a Family, Anyway?

    What is a family? It’s a simple question, but one that is surprisingly difficult to answer. I suppose it may be easy enough if you ask it in only one place and to only one kind of people, but I live in Toronto, the most diverse city in the world. One Sunday I went around…

  • The Forgotten Commandment

    Momentary Obedience, Forever Honor

    We have looked at the sweet blessings God promises to those who heed the fifth commandment and we have looked at the terrible judgments he promises to those who do not. We have seen that children have a lifelong duty of honor toward their parents. But while we have learned why we ought to honor…

  • Growing Up in a World Like This

    A short time ago I shared some resources meant to help parents as they prepare to have “The Talk” with their children. But even after looking at those resources I had some questions I wanted to ask, so I spoke to Dr. Chris Richards, who together with Liz Jones has authored Growing Up God’s Way,…

  • 8 Bullet Points on Marriage

    A couple of weeks ago I offered a series of bullet points on the subject of death. I guess it’s no less strange to equate bullet points with marriage. Nevertheless, according to the Bible, marriage is… …Instituted by God, Uniting One Man and One Woman Matthew 19:4-6 – “Have you not read that he who…

  • True Woman Conference (III)

    The first session of the True Woman Conference was led by John Piper who spoke on “The Meaning of True Womanhood.” He made it clear that he counts it a privilege to address the most influential people in the world (distinguishing, he said, between privilege and authority). There is massive power in this room and…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Self-Centered Sex (Part 1)

    Twelve or eighteen months ago I wrote a couple of articles about the always difficult subject of autoeroticism (i.e. masturbation). This is a subject I hesitate to write about and yet one that I feel is both important and relevant. It is a subject that takes us outside of our comfort zones but hiding our…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Biblical Perspectives on Sex and Autoeroticism

    I am not aware of a large number of children that read this site, but despite that I’d like to begin this article with a quick warning. What I am writing about in this short series deals with a subject that is best-suited for adults. So if you are still young, I’d prefer you had…