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Explore Genesis 1:26

  • Pursue Your Vocation

    Pursue Your Vocation

    Why do we work? For five or six days of every week, most of us spend at least half of our waking hours doing a job. We take time away from our families and away from worldly pleasures to pursue an occupation. It’s simply what humans do. But why? Some say we work so that…

  • Sponsored Collection cover image

    Dog-matics and Dominion

    This sponsored post was prepared by C.J. Williams of Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. When Adam found that among the creatures there was not one suitable for him as a partner (Gen 2:20), it is not as though he (or God) first thought that there might indeed be an animal that would match him as a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 28)

    The “Let Us” In Genesis 1:26 – Here is an interesting answer to the question of whether the “Let us” of Genesis 1:26 is referring to the Trinity. Who Is Jesus? – Westminster Books tends to have the best sales on Christian books. This week they’ve cut prices on books that are great to stock…

  • Resources Collection cover image

    The Essential: Man

    This is the fourth installment in a series on theological terms. You can see the previous posts on the terms theology, Trinity, and creation. Today the series moves to man. Surprisingly, attempting to define man in simple terms is not an easy task. There are many things that could be included in the definition and…