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Explore Galatians 5

  • New and Notable Books

    New and Notable Christian Books for May 2024

    While the month of May has already almost fully waned, it has proved to be a good month for Christian book releases. I sorted through the stacks that landed on my desk and arrived at this list of new and notables. In each case, I’ve provided the editorial description to give you a sense of…

  • Articles Collection cover image

    Here Comes (U.S.) Thanksgiving: The Unbreakable Link between Gratitude and Joy

    What are people willing to give for joy? What price are they willing to pay? Consider what people spend on vacations, luxury goods, entertainment, and stimulants and it’s clear the cost is sky-high. And yet all that time, money, and effort never seems to be enough. For so many people, joy remains elusive. And if…

  • Be Careful of Nice People

    Now you be nice to your sister.” “Make sure you play nice tonight.” “He is such a nice young man.” As human beings, it seems that we are drawn to niceness. We like nice people and encourage people to behave in nice ways. We dislike people who aren’t nice or who don’t behave in nice…