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Explore Ephesians 4:3

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 30)

    Westminster Books has a great sale on the excellent God’s Word for You series of Bible study guides which are ideal for personal or group study. (Yesterday on the blog: How To Respond to Social Media Enemies) A Real Miracle in Prosperity Network Wouldn’t this be amazing if it’s proven true over time? “In his…

  • 7 False Teachers in the Church Today

    7 False Teachers in the Church Today

    The history of Christ’s church is inseparable from the history of Satan’s attempts to destroy her. While difficult challenges have arisen from outside the church, the most dangerous have always been from within. For from within arise the false teachers, the peddlers of error who masquerade as teachers of truth. False teachers take on many…

  • John MacArthur Responds To His Strange Fire Critics (Part 2)

    John MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference is now several weeks behind us; the Strange Fire book releases tomorrow. Both have ignited a great deal of discussion about the place, the purpose and the continued existence of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. Last week I began an interview with John MacArthur (read it here) in…