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Explore Ecclesiastes 12

  • Only Ever Better

    Only Ever Better

    I’m sure you’ve had the same kind of experience I’ve had—the experience of bumping into someone you haven’t seen for many years. Maybe it is at a conference, maybe at a wedding, or maybe through pure serendipity. Yet now you’re face to face and you realize that even while you’re enjoying a conversation with that…

  • No Fear of Old Age

    No Fear of Old Age

    Do you remember the weeks and months leading to the release of Peter Jackson’s The Return of the King? Do you remember the buzz and anticipation that reached its crescendo in December of 2003? We had already enjoyed The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, films that had transported us to Middle Earth…

  • friday

    A La Carte (August 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good collection of books about Scripture and theology. (Yesterday on the blog: Why Should I Bother With Church History?) Rome Under Grace (Video) I had the tremendous joy of meeting these folk last year and preaching at their church. Take 12 minutes out of your day to enjoy a…

  • With Greater Age Comes Greater Sorrow

    Our only experience of aging is within this sinful world. We don’t know what aging would have looked like if this world had remained unsullied by sin. We do know, however, that aging would have still occurred. Before God created people, God created time. So God created people to exist within time and pass through…