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Explore Daniel 5:26

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    Terrifying Scripture Texts

    I wrote last week about a passage of the Bible that I find terrifying. I showed that Satan has a legitimate claim on my life and yours. Thankfully, because of the work of Christ, He also has a claim on our souls and His claim trumps that of Satan! I began to think about other…

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    It Is A Fearful Thing…

    This morning I spent a good bit of time reading through some of my old journal entries. Sadly my journalling has tailed off as my blogging has increased. This is sad because journalling was an important spiritual discipline for me. While I often wrote about the same things I write about on this site, journalling…

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    “God’s Name Is Blasphemed…”

    In my Home Church (Bible Study / Cell Group) this week we are studying the prophet Daniel. Specifically we will be examining him as a shining example of a man who stood firm in his convictions. When commanded to cease worshipping God, he never considered disobeying God. Instead, he pressed on with his routine of…