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Explore 2 Corinthians 11:14

  • The Continental Divide of Doctrine

    The Continental Divide of Doctrine

    A journey into the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada brought me to Vermilion Pass, a single point that divides two national parks and two provinces. It also divides two watersheds, for it stands upon the continental divide. To one side of this spot all waters flow west and eventually find their way to the vast…

  • It Is A Hurrying Bustling Age

    It Is a Hurrying, Bustling Age

    The best writing is writing that transcends times and ages. This morning I found myself reading some brief thoughts from J.C. Ryle on the importance of self-examination, and though his words were written in the late nineteenth century, they are perfectly appropriate to our day. They offer an important challenge. It is a hurrying, bustling…