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Explore 1 Timothy 3:1–7

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    The 10 Questions Anyone Considering a Call to Ministry Must Answer

    This sponsored post was provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The call to ministry is indeed a subjective thing. We use phrases like “feeling called” and “sensing a call.” Sometimes we may talk about “discerning” a call or “wrestling with” a call. If you are in one of those categories of thinking, how can you…

  • Discerning Your Call to Ministry

    We know the concept and are well-familiar with the phrase: “called to ministry.” We know that some men are called in a special way to a special task—the task of gospel ministry. But exactly what constitutes the call, exactly how to understand it, exactly how to know we’ve experienced it—these are matters of more than…

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    The Pastor as Renaissance Man

    This sponsored post is provided by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. If you’ve been in church ministry for any length of time, you’ve probably discovered that one of the persistent challenges of your role is the apparent need to treat it like ten roles. While nearly every pastor is exceptionally gifted in one particular area or…

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    Confronting the Current Church Leadership Crisis

    This sponsored post was prepared by the Biblical Eldership Resources team. All leaders want to be successful. Success has its perks, but it also has its downside—and being highly successful can have a highly dangerous downside. A leader can become domineering and dictatorial, resulting in devastated lives, decimated churches and demise of ministries. Church leaders…