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Explore 1 Thessalonians 1:9

  • The Five Key Factors in Every Christians Sanctification

    The Five Key Factors in Every Christian’s Sanctification

    Growth in Christlikeness is a lifelong, active progression. We are holier on the day we die than we were on the day we came to Christ. We are holier on the day we die than we are on the day before we die. Yet this long progression is peppered with seasonal lulls, drudgery, and complacency.…

  • New Attitude (VI)

    Whenver I blog these conferences, people want to know what books have been recommended. Before each session we’ve had a couple of books recommended to us. Here is the list thus far: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. PackerQuestioning Evangelism by Randy NewmanDoing Things Right in Matters of the Heart by John EnsorThe…