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Explore 1 Corinthians 9:25–27

  • Not a Life of Ease

    It’s Not a Life of Ease

    You can’t read the New Testament and fail to understand that the Christian life was never meant to be a life of ease. Each of us will encounter adversity and adversaries, and each of us will have to wage war against our fearsome foes— the world, the flesh, and the devil. Then, each of us…

  • Working Up a Spiritual Sweat

    Working Up a Spiritual Sweat

    I was recently reading through the new, updated version of Kent Hughes’ Disciplines of a Godly Man and was struck anew by the Bible’s call that we strive and labor for godliness. While his intended audience is primarily men, the message is equally applicable to women. The statement from Paul to Timothy regarding spiritual discipline…

  • An Interview with John Piper

    A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to interview John Piper. I promptly solicited questions from you, the readers of this site, and Pastor John was kind enough to answer them. Because the focus of this year’s Desiring God National Conference is sanctification, I asked him questions related to that subject. In this interview…