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Explore 1 Corinthians 13:11

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (May 11)

    There are a few more Kindle deals to round out the week. Yesterday on the blog: 10 New and Notable Books for May The Mission Field Needs ESL Teachers. Can You Be One of Them? “There is a great opportunity for all types of English speakers—students, teachers, retirees—to help missionaries and churches who currently offer…

  • Sin Is Immaturity

    Sin Is Immaturity

    There is a lot bound up in every sin. Sin is missing the mark—an arrow that has veered so far to the left or the right that it has flown past the target. Sin is transgression, disobedience toward a known law or standard. Sin is iniquity, premeditated rebellion against God. And lately, especially as I’ve…