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Explore 1 Corinthians 12

  • Letters to the Editor (Miracles, Cessationism, Husbands)

    This week I told Why I Am Not Continuationist (or charismatic) and, not surprisingly, that generated quite a number of letters to the editor. So, too, did an article on the marks of a godly husband’s love. Here are a few highlights. Comments on Why I Am Not Continuationist First, thank you for your blog…

  • Book Reviews Collection cover image

    God’s Super-Apostles

    I didn’t actually intend to review this book. It showed up at my door and a brief glance turned into a quick skim turned into a full read turned into a review. As a committed reader always looking for something new and interesting, I just love it when that happens. There is a new religious…

  • John MacArthur Answers His Critics

    John MacArthur’s Strange Fire conference has come and gone and the book will be shipping next week. Whatever you felt about the conference, there is little doubt that a lot of work and a lot of discussion remain as we, the church, consider the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the aftermath of the…

  • Gift Envy & Gift Projection

    In some Christian traditions they are emphasized to the point of exhaustion; in others they are so diminished as to barely exist at all. Whatever we believe about the spiritual gifts, we at least need to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit gives a great range of gifts to his people and that they are given…

  • The Problem with Pastor as Rock Star

    Today’s guest blogger is Ed Stetzer. That’s a name that is familiar to most of you, I’m sure. I recently spoke at an event with Ed and, having enjoyed his company, asked if he’d be willing to put together a guest post. And, as you’re about to see, he was kind enough to do so.…

  • WorshipGod06 – Fourth Session

    The fourth session of the WorshipGod06 Conference will be led by Bob Kauflin who was first honored by Mark Altrogge and others for his years of outstanding service to the Lord through ministry. Bob will be speaking from 1 Corinthians 12. Too often we approach God like the subject of a biography. We read about…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (04/20)

    Thursday April 20, 2006 Theology: Brandon Porter struggles with the practical application of a few verses from 1 Corinthians 12. “This is a very real issue that we need to get right. Paul has people in mind here, not just parts of a body that make up a nice analogy.” Humor: Yahoo has a neat…