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The Best of October

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I’ve been at this blogging thing for ten years now and have been at the daily blogging thing for almost as long. This means that I’ve got an extensive backlist of articles from years gone by. I thought it might be fun to pull out some of the articles I wrote in previous months of October, stretching all the way back to 2004.


My Halloween Theory – Last year I shared a theory about the growing popularity of Halloween.

This is a four-part series on the will of God:

  1. How to Know the Will of God
  2. How Does God Speak to Me Today?
  3. God’s Will for Your Life
  4. How Do I Make Decisions That Please God?


How I Got Here, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 – This is a three-part biographical series.

The Heart of Frugality – I needed to think about frugality and this is what I came up with.


Teachers, Watchmen, Gatekeepers – This reflects some of my thinking on the role of parents in the lives of their children.

Applying the Heat – An article about accountability relationships.


The Moral High Ground – Thinking about abortion where the pregnancy was caused by rape.

The Burden of Perverse Assumptions – Lincoln and Speed, Sam and Frodo, and the burden of perverse assumptions.


Halloween – Trick or Retreat? – Apparently I’ve done quite a bit of thinking about Halloween.

Bringing Life to the Living – One of my pet peeves is when people claim that their new book or new program will bring the Bible to life.


The Folly of Solomon – How the wise became foolish.

I Don’t Need a Boyfriend – I had just read a John Eldredge book…


Unity Through Theology – Doctrine divides? It shouldn’t.

The Extraordinary Value of Women – I claimed that no system of religion exalts women higher than biblical Christianity.


Tim – I had forgotten all about the day Aileen hijacked the blog.\

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