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The Best of December

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I’ve been at this blogging thing for ten years now and have been at the daily blogging thing for almost as long. This means that I’ve got an extensive backlist of articles from years gone by. I thought it might be fun to pull out some of the articles I wrote in previous months of December, stretching all the way back to 2004.


The Driscolls and Real Marriage – These were some thoughts on Mark Driscoll’s book on marriage.

Money Matters: Do I Have to Give? and How Much Do I Give? – These were two entries in a series on money.


I Looked for Love in Your Eyes – This is such a sad but powerful poem.

A Wikileaks Society – Here I reflected on what a Wikileaks culture might mean for the church.


The Necessity of Long Division – Too often we try to get out of doing the hard work of the Christian life.

A Day-After Christmas Reflection – A reflection on celebrating–or not celebrating–Christmas.


We Shall Be Changed – Every Christmas I try to take in a performance of Handel’s Messiah.

A Great Servant; An Evil Master – We’re always in a power-struggle with our technology.


Delighting in Delight – It is great to delight in the delight of another.

Longing for the Im-mediate – This was important in the run-up to my book on technology.


The “S-Word” – It’s probably not the one you’re thinking of.

Prayer and the Empty Hand – We humans have a problem with grace.


Certainly This Was a Righteous Man! – I’ve always loved the centurion’s statement.

Effectual Worrying – Way back in 2005 I was reflecting on the nature of worry.


Church of the Dropouts, Losers, Sinners, Failures And Fools – One of my favorite Switchfoot songs.

Old Fashioned Christian – I’m just an old-fashioned kind of Christian.

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