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One Way To Make the Most of Being Housebound with Your Family


There are millions of people across the world who unexpectedly find themselves and their families housebound. There are millions of parents who are wondering how they are going to fill the days ahead and how they are going to make the most of them. My family, too, has been affected by travel bans and the closure of schools, and we are asking how we can use this time well. I want to share one idea with you.

Over the past couple of years, Zondervan has been quietly but diligently building one of the best and most substantial collections of online learning material for Christians: MasterLectures. Some of these courses are academic in nature while others are practical. Many of them are taught by world-class teachers and scholars. For a while now, Zondervan and I have been planning to tell you about some of the courses, and I have even put together a curated list of courses I recommend. And though the plan was not to announce this for a few more weeks, recent events seem to provide an ideal opportunity to start learning as an individual or a family.

If you sign up for MasterLectures now using the code TIMCHALLIES, you’ll get 14 days free, plus 50% off your first three months should you determine to continue. You can, of course, cancel at any time. If you cancel within the first 14 days—the length of most of the initial school closures,—you will not be charged anything.

There are a few courses that may be especially good candidates for families with teens or even tweens. There is no doubt that it’s going to push the youngest ones a little bit, but perhaps they are up for the challenge, especially if you’re going to go through the material with them. Here are some that may be ideal:

If you’d like to try something short, why not:

If you’d like to study Scripture, how about:

All three are top and trustworthy New Testament scholars. If you’d like to try some church history, then consider:

For doctrine, perhaps take a look at:

And even if none of these jump out at you, there are plenty more options at the site.

Again, if you sign up for MasterLectures now using the code TIMCHALLIES, you’ll get 14 days free, plus 50% off your first three months, should you decide to continue. You can, of course, cancel at any time. If you cancel within the first 14 days, you will not be charged anything. Perhaps you’ll find that this unexpected time provides a neat opportunity for you and your family to learn together.

Transparency: This is not a paid or sponsored post and was my idea, not Zondervan’s. That said, I am a member of Zondervan’s affiliate program.

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