Today’s the day! At long last, this is launch day for A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible. If you pre-ordered, it should be on its way; if you didn’t, it should now be in stock and available to ship from all your favorite retailers.
Buy it now at:
Amazon, Westminster Books, CBD, Barnes & Noble
In this book, I’ve collaborated with artist Josh Byers to both describe (through words) and display (through graphics) the truths of the Bible. We believe this makes it a unique—and uniquely fresh—introduction to God’s Word. It teaches the contents of the Bible while also teaching how to read, study, and know it. It’s ideal for individuals to read on their own or for groups, friends or families to read together. We’re convinced it will prove a helpful primer for new believers or a great refresher for long-timers.

Here are a few ideas for putting it to use:
- Read it on your own to better understand the Bible and to grow in your skill at studying it.
- Use it as your textbook for an “Introduction to the Bible” class, small group, or Sunday School.
- Give it to a friend who isn’t a big reader. The fresh format and slick graphics may just prove appealing.
- Use it with your youth group or at your young adult meetings to get people to engage with God’s Word.
- Leave it on your coffee table as a conversation-starter.
- Read a portion with your family after dinner. Most of the sections are quite small, so can be read in just a few minutes. The graphics provide helpful illustrations.
- Give it to a graduating student as a gift.

If you purchase it, head over to to get some bonus materials. A study guide is also now available.
Buy it now at:
Amazon, Westminster Books, CBD, Barnes & Noble