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New & Notable Books

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I am in the unique and enjoyable position of receiving copies of most of the latest and greatest Christian books and I like to provide regular roundups of some of the best and brightest of the bunch. Here are some of the notable books that I’ve received:

Faithmapping by Daniel Montgomery and Mike Cosper. “Most of us emphasize one aspect of Christianity over another. Competing voices tell us that the Christian life is all about this or that: missions, discipleship, worship, the cross, or the kingdom. It’s as if we are navigating the Christian life with fragments of a map–bits and pieces of the good news–rather than the whole picture. If we put those map fragments together, we discover a beautiful, coherent picture. Faithmapping invites Christians to see that map, exploring a whole gospel that forms a whole church who carries that glorious news to the whole world.” (Learn more or buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books.)

Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead by Thomas A. Miller. “How can a respected scientist believe in the resurrection? Can I trust the Bible’s account that Jesus actually rose from the dead? If the resurrection really occurred, of what importance is it to you and me? Our ready embrace of the authority of science has left many doubting that Jesus’s resurrection was a verifiable, historical event. Yet Thomas Miller, an experienced scientist and well-respected surgeon, challenges the notion that modern medicine has disproved the possibility of the resurrection. Through careful investigation of the evidence and evaluation of its reliability, Dr. Miller demonstrates that science and religion are not incompatible and makes a compelling case for the reality of the resurrection.” (Learn more or buy it at Amazon or Westminster Books.)

Church Planting WifeThe Church Planting Wife by Christine Hoover. “‘Nothing in my life goes untouched by my husband’s calling.’ Christine Hoover’s words in the first chapter describe so well the life of a church planter’s wife, which is enormously difficult yet extraordinarily rewarding. To be married to a church planter is a calling all its own with richness all its own. In The Church Planting Wife, Hoover explores and encourages the hearts of her readers while teaching what it means to have heart prepared for this unique ministry. As the wife of a church planter, she knows well the highs and lows; glories and despairs. Christine speaks with clarity and poignancy to the reader about what it looks like to be part of the church planting ministry and to grow a heart that wholly reflects Jesus. Spread throughout these pages are stories and interviews from church planting wives. Christine Hoover empathetically and pointedly builds off these testimonies to uplift the reader and offer lessons of hope in the midst of a challenging ministry.” (Learn more or buy it at Amazon.)

Revelation by Sarah Ivill. Revelation paints a breathtaking picture of the completion of God s plan of judgment and salvation. Yet its perplexing imagery often scares us away! This expository Bible study gives us the confidence to interpret the mysteries. Diane Poythress writes, “I commend this book for bridging the gap between a commentary and a fill-in-the-blank exercise for women. The study of Revelation has become less challenging and more edifying with Ivill’s book. It is an annotated Bible study providing Old Testament background, salient commentary, and personal exhortations and examples from a covenantal perspective. Questions for each Bible chapter enhance group discussion, where Scripture interpreting Scripture is encouraged.” (Learn more or buy it at Amazon)

Learning and Teaching English Through the Bible by MariAnne Dibbley. “This unique resource teaches English (including ESL/EFL) within a Biblical context and in a pictorial format. It focuses on the top 1,000 most frequently used vocabulary words. It presents an overview of key pronunciation and grammatical concepts. At the same time, it teaches major parables, verses, narratives, and themes from Scripture. Also included are suggestions for classroom games, lessons and activities.

This book is especially useful for:

  • English/ESL (English as a Second Language) students and teachers
  • Missionaries teaching ESL
  • Church personnel seeking to establish an ESL ministry
  • Parents who homeschool
  • Special Needs teachers
  • English/Bible teachers in public schools who are part of the Bible Literacy Project.

(Learn more or buy it at Amazon.)

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