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My 10 Favorite New Songs of 2024

My Top Songs of 2024

I have wide-ranging tastes in music and will gladly listen to all kinds of different genres. I recently spent some time considering some of the new songs I enjoyed in 2024 and, focusing on songs by Christian artists, eventually narrowed my favorites down to this list of 10—my 10 favorite new songs of 2024. I’ve included YouTube videos and a Spotify playlist if you’d like to give them a listen yourself. They are in no particular order.

“Faith More Precious Than Gold” by Mission House

This song from Mission House (aka Jess Ray and Taylor Leonhardt) is a powerful and encouraging proclamation of faith amid deep trials.

There is a secret we can only know
Walking through places we don’t want to go
Cause in the dark we learn the song of hope
Our faith more precious than gold

Tears on the altar from all we’ve lost
Following you no matter what it cost
May be a whisper, may be a roar
This is the sound of those who love you Lord

“His Glory and My Good” by CityAlight

It is a safe bet that there will always be a CityAlight song on my list and that’s the case again this year. “His Glory and My Good” is a song of trust in God’s sovereignty that is based on the promise of Romans 8:28. I think it is one of CityAlight’s best songs yet.

There is hope in every trial
For I can trust the Lord
He will turn my heart towards Him
And help me bear the thorn
So in faith I follow Jesus
On the road not understood
For I know that He is working
For His glory and my good

“All Things” by Sovereign Grace Music

Sovereign Grace also released a song based on Romans 8:28 and, while it is very different, it is equally good.

I know You are working
You are working all things
All things for Your glory and my good
Lord You will accomplish
Everything You promised
All things for Your glory and my good

“Rise My Soul the Lord is Risen” by Getty Music

I love a good collab and that’s the case with “Rise My Soul the Lord Is Risen” which (a little confusingly) was written by Matt Papa & Matt Boswell along with Jonny Robinson & Rich Thompson of CityAlight and then performed and released by the Gettys. There is also a CityAlight version. It is an ideal Easter song.

Rise my soul, the Lord is risen
Come behold the empty grave
See the place where darkness laid Him
Sing for only hope remains
Hallelujah, praise forever
Death defeated and life restored
By that great immortal power
Christ is risen, arise my soul

“Run and Run” (Christ Is All My Righteousness) by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa.

This song is based on a short poem that has been attributed to various people over the years, though most commonly John Bunyan. The poem, and hence the song, compares the hopelessness of the law with the freedom of the gospel.

Run and run the law demands
But gives me neither feet nor hands
Better news, the gospel brings
It bids me fly, it gives me wings
Bearing shame and all my sin
There in my place He stood condemned
Here I stand now justified
My guilt is His, His grace is mine

“Christ Our Wisdom” by Sovereign Grace Music

The theme of God’s love for us in our times of difficulty is prominent this year. This song by Sovereign Grace Music returns to that theme and professes confidence in God no matter what his providence directs. This is a good song to add to a church’s repertoire.

Christ our wisdom, we are humbled
When You hide Your ways from us
You have purposes unnumbered
Each one good and glorious
Help us trust when we grow weary
Free us from our anxious thoughts
Give us grace to see more clearly
You are God and we are not

“O Freedom” by Anchor Hymns

This song from Anchor Hymns is an expression of praise to God for his mercy and grace. It is probably not ideal for congregational singing, but a good one to just enoy and sing along to.

Lift me up and set my feet on the rock
Lift me up and set my feet on the rock
When I stray, When I roam
Call my name, Call me home
Lift me up and set my feet on the rock

“Hold Him High” by Citizens

Citizens packs a lot of great doctrine into this song of praise to Jesus Christ.

Holiest Son of man
Worthy and lifted lamb
Heaven’s exalted King
He is our righteousness
Light of the world in us
There is no brighter love
Hold Him high, glorious Jesus Christ

“Bring Praises” by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa

Here is another song by Matt Boswell & Matt Papa. It marvels at God’s goodness to us, admits the inadequacy of any human response, but then calls on us to praise God nevertheless.

If we could now repay the Lord of heaven
What is that gift that we would bring?
All that is ours is that which once was given
Oh, let our grateful hearts now sing
With joy we give this offering

“The Richest Man in the World” by Ben Rector

I really enjoy Ben Rector’s music and was especially touched by this song (part of a 3-song EP that is all about his love for his family). In it he expresses how much more his family means to him than any awards or accolades. I suppose the doctrine may not be 100% perfect, but I appreciate it nonetheless!

When it’s my turn I think I’ll smile
Say I was
The richest man in the world
Father to a baby girl
And two boys that I know loved me
Was famous to a few good friends
And beside me til the end
Was my wife who is so lovely
And I don’t know who could ask for any more
I’m the richest man in the world

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