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My Epic Documentary Series Is Now Free to Watch


In 2020 I teamed up with Zondervan to release Epic: An Around-the-World Journey through Christian History. This is a two-part product that takes the form of an illustrated book and a ten-part documentary video series. While the book and documentary can each be enjoyed on their own, they also complement one another well. Epic is ideal for group studies, homeschool curriculum, and enjoying either alone or with the whole family.

I am pleased to let you know that the ten-part documentary video series is now available for free on YouTube.

Of course, Epic is best when the documentary is paired with the book, so I recommend you also buy the softcover book which you can find discounted at both Amazon and Westminster Books. The two products are ideal companions for one another and together will help you both see and understand the history of the Christian faith.

To watch the videos, you can visit YouTube or

Beginning with Jesus and the early church, I look at:

  • The importance of graffiti on an ancient jail cell
  • The creedal significance of a carving on a museum statue
  • The enduring importance of ancient manuscripts and books
  • And much more!

Along the way, you’ll discover the story you’re already a part of.

Epic features:

  • An epic journey: 24 countries, 6 continents, 75 flights, 80 museums
  • Beautiful full-color book design featuring the objects and Tim’s journey
  • The complete experience: a 10-episode documentary is now available for free, taking you on location and providing an immersive experience for understanding the history of Christianity

As I said, it is now entirely free on YouTube or at

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