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How We Worshipped One Sunday in January

How We Worshipped

From time to time I like to share one of our worship services from Grace Fellowship Church. In that vein, here is how we worshiped on one January Sunday morning. This week’s cast of characters included Steve as service leader, Paul as preacher, and Allie as music leader. Dwight read the Scripture text and led the pastoral prayer. The band was composed of a piano, and electric guitar, and two female vocalists.

Welcome and Call to Worship (Steve)

Steve welcomed us and called us to worship God, acknowledging this was the first Sunday of a new year.

Singing (Band)

  • “Another Year is Dawning”

Complementary Text Reading (Alex)

Alex read Colossians 3:1–11.

Singing (Band)

  • “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah”

Time of Confession (Steve)

Steve led in a prayer of confession based on Nehemiah 9.

Singing (Band)

  • “Jesus Paid It All”
  • “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me”

Pastoral Prayer (Dwight)

Dwight prayed for a number of matters related to the church, including some ministries and churches we support, and for our national leaders.

Scripture Reading (Dwight)

Dwight read the text upon which the sermon was based. He began by saying something like, “Please take your Bible and turn to Job 6-7. If you do not have a Bible, please raise your hand and our ushers will bring one to you.” He began the reading with “This is what Holy Scripture says…” After reading the text he said, “This is the word of the Lord” to which the congregation replied, “Thanks be to God.” At this time the children were dismissed to attend our kindergarten program.

Singing (Band)

  • “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”

Sermon (Paul)

Paul preached a sermon titled “Dry Wells in the Desert” based on Job 4:1-7:21 His outline was as follows:

  1. Eliphaz’s Counsel
  2. Job’s Response to Eliphaz
  3. Job’s Prayer to God

Singing (Band)

  • “All I Have Is Yours”

Commission (Steve)

Steve commissioned the church to live on the basis of the truths we heard in the sermon. He also provided information about some upcoming events in the life of the church.

Benediction (Steve)

“Receive this blessing of the Lord from His Word: ‘The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.’ Amen.”

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