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Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: November 2011

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Wallpaper Sponsor
It’s November 1 today, and that means that I’ve got a whole new batch of amazing desktop wallpaper designs for you to download. Thanks to each of this month’s designers for sending along some amazing work (and for a couple of young, future designers as well).

A few notes: 320 x 480 is for your iPhone; 1024 x 1024 is for your iPad; your desktop or laptop may take any of the other sizes depending on your monitor size and a host of other considerations. If you’re not sure of the size, just find one that looks like it would be pretty much the same size as your screen. Generally you set one of these are your wallpaper by clicking on the link to the image, then right-clicking on the image (once it’s open) and selecting “Set as Background,” “Set as Desktop Background,” or something similar. If you aren’t sure, post a comment and we’ll try to help you figure it out.

One of the designers will win a $50 Amazon or Westminster Books gift certificate courtesy of Church Plant Media. How can you have your say? You can have your say in who wins by downloading a wallpaper? Each download counts as a vote (and no, you can’t download the same wallpaper 100 times and have your vote tallied each time).

I Will Give Thanks

Created by Jeff Lash from Grand Rapids, MI.

I Will Give Thanks


Created by Harold Sikkema from Hamilton, ON. Dream with me in warmer grey and white beneath this dreary misery. Discover nuance in November: drab among months, unless your eyes really listen. Choose perception when driving by ditches flocked with fuzzy cat-tails and grey grass. Compare in code the colours #ccc and #ddd. Value variance within a narrow range of hinted tints. Play with luminance on a scale of visual semi-tones. Rely on other options than the treble/bass dichotomy of poorly executed pop. Restrict your eyes to the eleventh melody’s percussive palette. Take it as a treat when seasonal snafu veils its inner whisper. Flaunt – as do the mist and frost – a subtler side of you. Whisper of the whirls that were and whorls that will be. Anticipate with drowning leaves, a thick, white, flowing sea. Think. Reflect. November.


Healing on His Wings

Created by Denise from Singapore. This is a wallpaper to encourage you with God’s promises.

A Light Surprises

The Book of Acts

Created by Mark Lopez.

A Light Surprises

The Glory of God

Created by Jalen Davenport from Mebane, NC. Truly, the heavens do declare the glory of our great God. The atheists know it as well; they simply suppress the truth, choosing rather to believe a lie.

The Heavens Declare

How Great Thou Art

Created by Emilee Prins (age 15) from Coopersville, MI. In awe of the beauty at Zion National Park you can’t help but think, “How Great Thou Art!”.

A Light Surprises


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