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Free Desktop Wallpaper Calendars: August 2011

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Wallpaper Sponsor
It’s August 1 and that means that I’ve got a whole new batch of amazing desktop wallpaper designs for you to download. Thanks to each of this month’s designers for sending along some amazing work.

A few notes: 320 x 480 is for your iPhone; 1024 x 1024 is for your iPad; your desktop or laptop may take any of the other sizes depending on your monitor size and a host of other considerations. If you’re not sure of the size, just find one that looks like it would be pretty much the same size as your screen. Generally you set one of these are your wallpaper by clicking on the link to the image, then right-clicking on the image (once it’s open) and selecting “Set as Background,” “Set as Desktop Background,” or something similar. If you aren’t sure, post a comment and we’ll try to help you figure it out.

One of the designers will win a $50 Amazon or Westminster Books gift certificate courtesy of Church Plant Media. How can you have your say? You can have your say in who wins by downloading a wallpaper? Each download counts as a vote (and no, you can’t download the same wallpaper 100 times and have your vote tallied each time).

This month’s featured designer is Jeff Nine.


For the Healing of the Nations

Created by Jeff Nine from Oklahoma City, OK. God promised the full restoration of all, and to that end we hope.


Interview with Jeff

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Jeff NineMy wife, Cheri, and I have been married for 8 years, have 2 young daughters, and recently moved to Oklahoma City to begin work on a new church plant. I graduated with an M.Div from Denver Seminary back in May, and run a one-man design & web development studio, Studio Nine Creative.

Overall, I’m a relatively boring guy, a self-confessed theology nerd, and wearer of too many polo shirts (so says my wife). I love the local church, and love serving it in any way I can. Currently we are laying the foundation for a new church plant in Oklahoma City, I serve on the board of a small non-profit helping a small network of churches in Central Mexico, and I love helping churches with design and web development services.

(continued below)


Created by Harold Sikkema from Hamilton, Canada. This is the sort of dream you might picture filling that miragey space between the horizon and the sky on an open scorched August highway: somewhere equally hazy and metallic, but closer to the cool splash of Ontario lake trout.



Created by Eric Novak from Chicago, IL. Based around Romans 3:24 and the old hymn, “Before the Throne of God Above,” this wallpaper is a reminder that we are justified by grace through Christ alone.


Full Barns

Created by Marie Nease from Lawrenceville, GA. This photo was taken at Three Sister’s Vineyard in North Georgia. Just thinking of a full barn make me think of Proverbs 3: 9 – 10 and the abundance the Lord wants us to have. Personally, I am going through a lean time and may end up losing my home. This scripture brings me hope. Perhaps it will do the same for others.


His Handiwork

Created by Jason Walters from Oxford, OH


Psalm 69

Created by Michael Davenport from Mebane, NC. This month’s wallpaper incorporates a picture I took at North Topsail Beach, NC. I draw upon Psalm 69:34 for my theme – “Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them.”


Isaiah 43

Created by Josh Koiro from Reading, PA. I got the idea for this wallpaper after reading Isaiah 43. We sometimes forget just how much God loves his children!



Created by Lorena Feliz from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.


(interview continued)

How did you get involved in graphic design?

Shortly after undergrad I was on staff at a small church in Longview, TX. We were always needing posters and handouts for ministries and events, but we didn’t have anyone that could design them. A friend of mine told me he had Photoshop on his laptop, so I asked him if I could borrow it to experiment with designing a rack card for our small groups.

I had no idea what I was doing, but I loved it. Shortly after designing that first piece (and let’s be honest… it wasn’t very good) I bought Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, began learning about design, and started a side business designing for friends, ministries, and small businesses. A year later my wife and I moved to Salem, Oregon, and I got a job in a local sign shop. I had just started Studio Nine Creative, so the owners of the sign shop referred clients to me and I worked on those projects after hours. Two years later I jumped out on my own full time, and I’ve been doing that ever since.

How does being a Christian influence you as a graphic designer? What different does it make?

That’s a difficult question to answer, but I guess I would point to two specific things. First, for the Gospel to penetrate the world we need Christians in the world. For too long in the North American church we had assumed that Christians make the biggest impact in the world by working for a church or Christian ministry, but that simply is not true. We need Christians out in the world in various capacities, reflecting the beauty of the Gospel to those they interact with. Therefore, in business I strive to be a businessman / designer / web developer that reflects the Gospel to those I interact with in business.

Second, I do love to serve the local church through design. Besides working with small businesses I also do a lot of work with churches and Christian non-profits, and I love helping them carry out there mission by giving a visual voice to the work God has called them to.

What are some of your favorite books?

That is a hard question to answer. I mostly read non-fiction & theology, but my wife keeps working on me to start reading fiction (and don’t tell her, but I kind of enjoy it). A few books that come to mind as favorites are: Orthodoxy (G.K. Chesterton), Abolition of Man (C.S. Lewis), Jesus Rediscovered (Malcolm Muggeridge), Let the Nations Be Glad (John Piper), Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien), Thief of Time (Terry Pratchett), and Transformation (Carol Berg).

I own way more books than I have read, but I love reading stuff by Jonathan Edwards, John Calvin, Karl Barth, D.A. Carson, Christopher Wright, Tim Keller, J.I. Packer, A.W. Tozer, and I could go on and on.

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