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Father’s Day Gift Ideas

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Let’s file this in the “better late than never” category. A few people have asked if I could put together a list of Father’s Day gifts and I have not been able to do so before today. Still, in a world of Amazon and rush shipping, it is not too late to order any of these. The list of potential Father’s Day gifts is near infinite, so I’ve chosen to narrow it down to a few books that may appeal to the husband or father in your life.

Let me begin with three books that each deal with being a man of God, focusing on marriage and parenting. They are all good reads, so I will lead it to determine which best suits you.

Daddy Dates by Greg Wright calls on fathers to date their daughters. Though the book is not explicitly Christian, I think any dad would be pleased if his daughter handed it to him and I am certain that any father-daughter relationship will benefit from those special times together. (my review)

Amazing Dad is a collection of letters written by William Wilberforce to his children. It was compiled by Stephanie Byrd and self-published. Wilberforce was, by all accounts, a great dad, and these letters are a joy to read. (my review)

When Sinners Say I Do by Dave Harvey is an excellent book on marriage that deals honestly and “gospely” with our less-than-perfect marriages. (my review)

Gospel-Powered Parenting by William Farley. This is one of my favorite books on parenting. Farley shows that keeping the gospel at the forefront of every aspect of marriage helps parents fear God, sensitizes them to sin, motivates them to enter their children’s world, and causes them to preach the beauty of the gospel to their children through their marriage.

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. The story of Louis Zamperini is one that just about any man will enjoy reading. The hardship he suffered during the Second World War provides a powerful setting for his eventual conversion to Christianity.

Fearless by Eric Blehm. Fearless tells the story of Navy SEAL operator Adam Brown. A new release, it is currently settled on the New York Times list of bestsellers.

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