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CrossReference (Episode 2)

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A week ago I introduced you to a series of short films that focus on Christ’s appearances in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. Every Wednesday for 10 weeks I will be posting a new episode right here at the blog. This will allow you to view the series in its entirety. Do note, though, that each episode will be available for only one week.

After the week is up you will need to purchase the series. Here’s how you can do that. The DVD and Study Guide (sample here) are available for pre-order, and will be launched at The Gospel Coalition Conference Preaching Christ from the Old Testament on April 12. However, you can buy the digital download of the whole series here for $5. Or visit Ligonier’s online store for the download or to pre-order the DVD and Study Guide.

Here is the second episode of the series. It is titled “Spiritual Heartburn.”

David Murray is Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He was a pastor in Scotland for 12 years before coming to Grand Rapids in 2007 with his wife Shona and their four children. He blogs regularly at Head Heart Hand.

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