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Coming Soon: Understanding and Trusting Our Great God

Understanding and Trusting Our Great God

Some of my earliest memories are of creeds and catechisms. Parents and pastors alike taught me the truths of the Christian faith and encouraged me to study creeds and the many questions and answers of the catechisms. What a foundation this laid in my young heart!

No words resonated more deeply than the fourth answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, which responds to a simple but crucial question: “What is God?” The writers of the Catechism combined sound doctrine with rhythmic, memorable prose to answer thus: “God is a spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.” This answer begins with four attributes unique to God, then describes attributes he chooses to share with other beings.

In Understanding and Trusting Our Great God, the second book in the Words from the Wise series of devotionals I’ve done with graphic artist Jules Koblun, I mean to consider the character of God as outlined in this Catechism, using words from the wise I have collected from a wide variety of Christian writers, preachers, songwriters, and poets.

Great thoughts of God ought to lead us to great wonder and delight. For to know God is to love him, and to love him is to have our hearts thrilled by him.

Learn more about Understanding and Trusting Our Great God and pre-order it at (Or, of course, grab it from Amazon.)

Understanding Trusting

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