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Christian Music for Children

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There is a vast amount of Christian music targeted at children. The problem is that there is a lot of junk as well–stuff like this. My kids are not particularly drawn to music so we have probably overlooked a lot of the great resources out there. Nevertheless, there are a few that we’ve come across that they continue to enjoy. So here are some of our favorite kids’ albums. I’d love you to read through and add your own suggestions in the comments.

Seeds Family Worship

SeedsSeeds Family Worship sets Scripture to music. It’s that simple. They do it with fun, pop music. All of the lyrics are drawn straight from the Bible (NIV). If you are a Friend of the Blog, you’ll find one of their albums there as a free giveaway. This is music your kids will listen to, but they’ll also get up and jump around or dance to it. My kids love it.

Sovereign Grace Music

Walking with the WiseSovereign Grace Music (a ministry of Sovereign Grace Ministries) has recorded two albums for children: To Be Like Jesus and Walking with the Wise. To Be Like Jesus contains twelve worship songs that teach the fruit of the Spirit in a creative and memorable way while Walking with the Wise look to Proverbs to teach wisdom. At Grace Fellowship Church we sing several songs from these albums at our Wednesday evening services.

Getty Music

Songs that Jesus SaidKeith and Kristyn Getty have released one children’s album titled Songs that Jesus Said. As you can discern from the title, it focuses on the words and the teachings of Jesus. It has lots of fun, catchy tunes that the kids enjoy. If you’ve seen the Getty’s live, you may have seen them set some of these to actions.

Judy Rogers

Go to the AntMy family grew up listening to the music of Judy Rogers–at least my sisters did, since I think my parents discovered her after I was already a bit too old. Her albums are quiet and acoustic and focus on simple, biblical truths. Go to the Ant focuses on Proverbs, Why Can’t I See God helps children think systematically about biblical truth while Walking Wise turns to the Bible’s wisdom literature. I am not familiar with her newer albums. These albums are probably best for young children up to age twelve or so.

Songs for Saplings

Songs for SaplingsSongs for Saplings is James and Dana Dirksen from Porland, Oregon. They have recorded four albums, one of which follows an A,B,C format while the other three are questions and answers, much like a catechism. I suppose these albums will largely appeal to younger children. They are quiet and acoustic.

The Rizers

The RizersThe Rizers is a brand new band that has released just one album so far. Like Seeds, they set Scripture to music, though in this case the music is a little more upbeat. They seem to be targeting the crowd that would otherwise be listening to Disney-branded pop. “Our mission is simple, we want to instill in kids a love for Jesus Christ and his Word through Scripture memory, praise and worship.”

Now you can help me out. What music do your children listen to? What are some of the good ones I’ve missed here?

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