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Will You Read “Knowing God” With Me?

One week from today I am going to begin a very public reading of a very good book. I would love for you to join me. Why don’t you read on to see if it would be beneficial to you?

For the past few years I have been running an ongoing program called “Reading Classics Together.” This is the way I force myself to read those classic Christian books that I somehow otherwise neglect. I do it by inviting others to join me so we can read those books together.

Knowing God Next week I will begin reading J.I. Packer’s modern-day classic Knowing God and I would love to have you read it with me. This is what the publisher says about this book: “Written in an engaging and practical tone, this thought-provoking work seeks to transform and enrich the Christian understanding of God. Explaining both who God is and how we can relate to him, Packer divides his book into three sections: The first directs our attention to how and why we know God, the second to the attributes of God and the third to the benefits enjoyed by those who know him intimately. This guide leads readers into a greater understanding of God while providing advice to gaining a closer relationship with him as a result.”

Let me explain how the program works.

Before next Thursday I will read the first two chapters of Knowing God. So will you. Then, on Thursday, I will post an article right here that offers some reflections on what Packer said. You will be able to read my thoughts and, through Facebook and other social media channels, add your own reflections.

Then, in the week that follows, we will read the next two chapters before once again sharing our reflections. And we will keep doing that until the book is complete. It’s all very simple.

Knowing God is very widely available. You can find it used at just about any online retailer, or buy it new at:

  • Amazon (in many formats ranging from discount paperback to deluxe hardcover, from Kindle to audiobook)
  • Westminster Books (paperback, hardcover)
  • Christian Audio has kindly reduced the price of the audiobook to $4.98 with coupon code challies.

The book is still under copyright so, unlike some of the older works, it is not (legally) available free online.

Let’s Get Started

Again, I will share my first post on August 20. All you need to do is obtain a copy of the book and read chapters 1 and 2 prior to August 20.

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