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Read a Puritan Classic With Me!

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Reading Classics Together
I announced last week that I’ll soon begin reading Thomas Brooks’ classic work Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices. I’d love for you to read this book with me as part of the Reading Classics Together program.

Precious RemediesIn their book Meet the Puritans, Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson say, “This book offers sorely needed lessons on the subtleties of Satan’s devices.”

Brooks describes twelve of Satan’s devices and their remedies, then focuses on eight devices Satan uses to keep believers from using the means of grace. He provides remedies for those devices that keep saints in a sad, doubting condition. Finally, he provides remedies for the abuse of riches, for pride of learning, for divisions among the gody, and for the excuse of ignorance.

They close by saying, “We greatly need the guidance Brooks provides in this book. Though Satan’s tools may change over the centuries, his devices remain constant; hence, this classic will never be outdated.”

Here is how it works:

  • Get a copy of the book ASAP.
  • Start reading it.
  • Visit this site on June 6.

I will share my first article on Thursday, June 6. This will reflect on the introductory matter and the brief section entitled “The Proof of the Point.” (The week after we will begin to look at the devices Brooks draws out.) After June 6 I will share one article each Thursday until the book is complete, something that will likely take about 10 or 12 weeks.

All you need to do in order to participate is get a copy of the book and begin reading.

The book is available in print (Westminster Books, Banner of Truth, Grace & Truth Books; Reformation Heritage), Kindle (Amazon) and HTML (alternate). There are various electronic editions at about a dollar each, and some may be better quality than others.

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