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Mid-Week Meanderings

Adrian Warnock, who is one of the reviewers for the Diet of Bookworms book review program wants to begin reviewing commentaries. I told him that I in my opinion there would not be enough interest among readers of blogs. After all, the book review program only makes sense to publishers if the people reading the reviews are interested in the book. I thought a 352 page linguistic, literary, and theological commentary on the first four chapters of Genesis would not have popular appeal. He disagreed, so we decided to take it to a poll. You can vote at Adrian’s site.

A couple of months ago Albert Mohler mentioned that he would provide some commentary on D.A. Carson’s book Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church. He has finally posted the first part of his review which you can read here. I am not sure how many parts there will be to this article series. Part two will be posted tomorrow.

My friend Dan has just completed his 13-part mega-series on The Christian & the Business World. Dan, please create an index, at least on the first and last articles! While I have given the series a quick read, now that it’s complete I will go back and read it carefully. You might just benefit from doing the same.

Jollyblogger is selling I Think Therefore I Blog t-shirts. You know you want one! I can file this away in the “I wish I’d thought of that first” files…

And finally, Phil Johnson has a wonderful obituary for Dr. Jack MacArthur who died two weeks ago at the age of 91. He sums up MacArthur’s life with beautiful words from Scripture. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord … that they may rest from their labours” (Revelation 14:13).

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