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Friday Miscellania

It looks like Westminster Books is the first to receive copies of what is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated books this fall: Pierced For Our Transgressions: Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution. The book was previously available only in Europe, but Crossway secured the North American rights and has just published it. You can read my review of it here: Pierced for Our Transgressions.

For just one week the book is available at 40% off…so get it now while it’s cheap!

Reformation Day Symposium

I’d like to remind my fellow bloggers about this year’s Reformation Day Symposium. You can get the details simply by visiting that link. I hope you’ll participate!

Reformation Day Deal

I received an interesting note from Ligonier Ministries announcing a great deal on the Reformation Study Bible–the best Study Bible I’ve ever used.

A few of us spoke with RC recently and talked about a way to commemorate Reformation Day. We have decided to offer something special. Next Wednesday, Ligonier Ministries will offer the Reformation Study Bible for $15.17. This is the ESV, hardback edition. It’s a 1 day only sale and I thought you should know.

To quote Stephen Nichols, it’s been 490 years since “a monk with a mallet” nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. God used Luther to start the greatest revival the world has seen. Though there were many benefits to the Protestant Reformation, the publishing of God’s Word in common languages was united to a hunger for the right understanding of that Word. The year 1517 saw a display of God’s grace in human history and every year since we have the opportunity to remember. Let us redouble our efforts to be faithful to the historic Christian faith.

To this end they are offering the Reformation Study Bible on October 31 (Reformation Day) for only $15.17. You can order as many copies as you like at that price, provided you do not resell it. You can get details here:

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