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Who Gets To Rule Our Hearts This Week?


Sometimes we all need a little bit of help praying. And when that’s true of me, one place I know to turn is Scotty Smith’s blog where he posts new prayers on a daily basis. One that caught my attention this week was titled Who Gets to Rule Our Hearts This Week?. I thought I’d share it with you as we all begin a new week with its opportunities and temptations.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts… Col. 3:15

Lord Jesus, this week, like every week, our hearts will be ruled. There will be a resident monarch, ruling impetus, or controlling preoccupation. It might be overbearing people, or under-believing the Gospel; our “need” to get more attention, or greed to have more cash. It could be COVID-fears, crazy-politics, or a crummy attitude.

But by faith, in obedience to one third of one verse in your Word, we choose your peace as the ruler of our hearts this week—our “heart-boss,” inner-chief, affection-director. No one knows peace better than you, Jesus, for you are the Prince of Peace. You don’t just give us peace; you are our peace (Eph. 2:14).

By your finished work, you secured God’s peace with us, and our peace with God. Peace with God is now our legal right—a done deal and settled issue. Peace from God is our daily calling, free gift, and constant need.

By the power of the Spirit, may your peace tame our fears and calm anxieties; help us accept things we cannot change, and outcomes that remain uncertain.

Jesus, because you are at peace with us, we will seek to live at peace with others. Because you have forgiven us, we choose to forgive others. Grant us the grace we need. So very Amen we pray, in your holy and persistent name.

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