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What a Morning That Will Be!


This morning dawned bright and clear and beautiful. But no matter how wonderful the day, we know that the greatest glories of this world pale in comparison to the least glories in the next. In that vein, please read and enjoy this wonderful prayer by Robert Hawker (as found in Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans).

You who are King of nations and King of saints, are also my God and King. For you have a universal empire, being one with the Father over all, blessed forever.

To you I bow the knee, and humbly and gratefully desire to put the crown of my salvation on your head.

And what has the Sovereign done for me? We record your praise; we tell it to saints and sinners everywhere. This great, glorious, condescending King has not only brought us out of darkness and the shadow of death, but has brought us into his chambers.

What chambers? Chambers of sweet communion and fellowship. Chambers of grace, of love and mercy, of redemption, of ordinances, and of all your covenant blessings.

You have taught me of your love, and my privileges in you, and so assured me of my everlasting safety in you and your finished salvation.

You have assured me that when you have accomplished all your blessed purposes concerning me, you will bring me home into your inner chambers of light and glory. And I will never leave, but dwell in them, and in the presence of God and the Lamb, forever and ever. Hallelujah!

What a morning that will be, different from every other! Lord, how often do I now awake with thoughts of earth, and sin, and trifles, and vanity? How have I opened my eyes this morning? Was it, dearest Jesus, with thoughts of you?

In that solemn morning there will be no longer dreams, as now, even in our waking hours—for all childish fantasies, shadows, doubts, and fears will be done away.

Precious Lord Jesus! Cause me morning by morning, while upon earth, to awaken with sweet thoughts of you. Let the close of night, and the opening of the day, be with your dear name in my heart, on my thoughts, and on my lips.

And in that everlasting morning, after having dropped asleep in Jesus, and in your arms by faith, may I awake in your embraces, and after your likeness, to be everlastingly and eternally satisfied with you. Amen.

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