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To Do His Will

To Do His Will

We are not naturally inclined to do the will of God. To the contrary, until God intervenes, we take joy in contradicting and disobeying him. But once God saves us we come to understand the pleasure of carrying out his commands and submitting ourselves to his will. And that’s what F.B. Meyer reflects on in this sweet passage.

God is love; to do his will is to scatter love in handfuls of blessing on a weary world.

God is light; to do his will is to tread a path that shines more and more unto the perfect day.

God is life; to do his will is to eat of the Tree of Life, and live forever, and to drink deep draughts of the more abundant life which Jesus gives.

God is the God of hope; to do his will is to be full of all joy and peace, and to abound in hope.

God is the God of all comfort; to do his will is to be comforted in all our tribulation by the tender love of a mother.

God is the God of peace; to do his will is to learn the secret inner calm, which no storm can reach, no tempest ruffle.

God is the God of truth; to do his will is to be on the winning side, and to be assured of the time when he will bring out our righteousness as the light, and our judgment as the noonday.

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