This week I stumbled across one parent’s attempt to bring reason and discipline to her children’s use of digital media. To help them learn how to use their devices well, Susan Maushart has instituted “The Ten Commandments For Using Modern Media.” Here they are:
- Thou shalt not fear boredom
- Thou shalt not “multitask” (not until thy kingdom come, thy homework be done)
- Thou shalt not WILF (WILF describes the “What Was I Looking For” phenomenon of using Google to look for one thing, and then burning two hours hunting down random and unimportant facts)
- Thou shalt not text and drive (or talk, or sleep)
- Thou shalt keep the Sabbath a screen-free day
- Thou shalt keep thy bedroom a media-free zone
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s upgrade
- Thou shalt set thy accounts to “Private”
- Thou shalt bring no media to thy dinner
- Thou shalt bring no dinner to thy media.
I’ve got to say: Those aren’t too bad…