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Talking to Father

You know that I like to go looking for prayers to post on Sunday (or even better, to pray on my own on Sundays). Here is one I came across a few days ago, one that shares the grief and bewilderment of a father’s heart as he ponders the imminent death of his son. It is a prayer that comes from a place of great pain, but one that also comes from a deep-rooted faith that God is good and that God does only what is good. It gives me hope that even in the midst of such pain, God would bolster my faith to trust in him.

Lord, you know my heart; you know everything about me. It is early morning right now and on this morning, I need you so desperately. You know I am in knots and anxious; you know I am not the strong one, but You are. I need you to be my hiding place today; my shelter and the place where you hide me in the cleft of the rock when you pass by and show us your glory. For today is something I am dreading beyond anything I have had to face.

Daddy, I’m weak. I have nothing good I can give you; no reservoir of strength within me that would spark any sort of hope to get through what could possibly happen today.

Everything is from you; in you is my breathe, my being, my movement and my reality. I must confess that though I have wanted to be as strong as others see me as, the very real reality is that I am frail and foolish; you are the strong One. For you are my tower, my fortress, my rock that I cling to today. I know in my weakness, in my poorness of spirit, in my emptiness of self you shine through and fill me. Lord, it is YOU; all you that empowers us and gives us strength. Let THAT testimony be shouted from the rooftops. Our GOD IS FAITHFUL. You have gotten me through yesterday, last week, last year and thus far in my life. You have blessed others with your Spirit, your breathe, your strength and your comfort in their lifetimes and I trust that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are indeed the Alpha and Omega of my life, and you INDEED created Samuel fearfully and WONDERFULLY in the womb of Kelly. God, THIS is your truth!

Read More at Loth Blogs.

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