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A Sunday Morning Prayer

Pastoral Prayer

As we rise today, then gather to worship, it is good to pray that all we do would be to the glory of God. Perhaps a prayer like this, drawn from the works of J.R. Miller, will orient your heart aright as you set out on another Lord’s Day.

Jesus, who died for our sins, and rose again from the dead, we worship You on this Your day. You are the resurrection and the life. You brought life and immortality to light in Your gospel. You could not be held of death — but conquered it, thus vanquishing the last enemy.

We rejoice today in the blessings which You have brought to us by Your resurrection. You are a Savior who has met every power of evil, and has overcome every enemy. We have nothing to fear even in death, for You have proved Yourself Lord of death, and have the keys of the grave. You will rescue all Your people from death’s power.

You are a Savior who was dead — but who now lives to die no more. We have You for a living Friend and Companion. We are sure of Your help, O strong Son of God, in our every time of need, trial, and danger.

On this Lord’s day we think of You as away beyond death, and able therefore to lead us through death. Bring us into living fellowship with Yourself. May this be to us a resurrection day, a day of victory over some old sin, a day of new life and hope. Help us to conquer some earthly desire, and enter into some new freedom. May we rise into newness of life.

May You make this Sunday one of real blessing to us and to many others. Bless the churches everywhere. Let the power from on high be given to all who preach the gospel and to all who teach in the Sunday schools. Help us to open our hearts to receive Your love and the power of Your Holy Spirit. And we will give all the praise to the Father through You, O Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

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