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A Prayer for a Wanderer

The Answer To Our Prayer

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I have become quite a fan of Kathleen Nielson’s new set of prayer books for parents. Through four short volumes she provides prayers for parents of young children, of teens, of young adults, and of adult children. Last time I shared “A Parent’s Prayer for an Unbelieving Child” from the book about parenting young adults and this time wanted to share “A Prayer for a Wanderer” from the book about parenting adult children. I think many will find that it gives them words to express the concerns and desires of their hearts.

Lord God, I do not know and cannot see her heart, but all her steps appear to turn away from you, away from light and life found in your Son.

I know, Lord, that you see into the darkest heart; your perfect wisdom lays out all our paths. Please turn her feet and move her heart toward you, toward life in Christ, I pray.

I do not know just how you might ordain to call her to yourself to find eternal life and life abundant, through believing in your Son.

I know that you have given your breathed-out Word, the writings that can make us wise for salvation as we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the living Word made flesh to save us. Please, by your Spirit and your people, speak your Word of life into her heart, I pray.

I do not know the ways in which her story will unfold, or how your perfect purposes will guide her path.

I know with thankful heart that you have sent your Son to give us life. I know you, Lord, and live in you. I trust in you, even as I daily ask, please lead her to believe in Christ your Son, I pray.

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