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Two Much Good News

They say bad news comes in three’s. I don’t quite know who the “they” are that keep spreading such words of “wisdom,” but I’ve often heard people express this type of superstition. I don’t believe it. Yet it seems to me that good news often arrives in bunches. Today I am going to share with you two pieces of good great news. For your reading pleasure I present this news in a handy, tabular format.

Together For The Gospel

I can think of few conferences I would would be more eager to attend than Together for the Gospel. It runs from April 26-28, 2006 and is hosted by Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, C.J. Mahaney and Albert Mohler. Special guests for this conference include John MacArthur, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul. This is a who’s who of pastors and theologians I greatly admire. I have read books and articles written by each of these men, and many of them have been foundational in forming my theology.

And guess what? The organizers of this conference would like me to live-blog it. It is an incredible honor to be considered for this.

Number Three

Throwing up in the mornings? Check. Hardening of the belly? Check. Feeling different? Check. Blood tests? Check. Well what do you know? God has seen fit to bless us once more with a child. We discovered only a few days ago that Aileen is expecting. The children are over the moon and are eager to tell everyone they come across that, “Mommy has a baby in her tummy.” Aileen and I are just as exicted as we were the first two times around and are looking forward to meeting “number three.”

We are thankful to God for this blessing, which we expect to arrive sometime around the 14th of May.

Uh oh

Uh oh? Hey, I’m not complaining! Trust me, I’m thrilled. But do you notice a potential conflict here? There are a mere two weeks between the conference (which will be held about 8 hours due south of my home) and the expected due date. Now experience shows that Aileen tends to deliver late. In fact, both of our children were born more than a week late. There is another complication in that Aileen’s blood pressure tends to climb a little bit towards the very end (though last time this did not happen until after the due date).

Clearly I do not want to miss the birth of my child or be absent if my wife encounters medical complications. And clearly I know where my priorities lie. So this is going to require some thought and potentially some planning!

I am tentatively planning on attending and live-blogging the conference, but we are going to have to wait to give final confirmation until a little bit later, once we know how this pregnancy is shaping up.

In the meantime, we’re rejoicing in God’s goodness and looking forward to the end of morning sickness, and eventually, to the day we get to meet the child God has seen fit to lend to us.

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