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Liveblogging the Shepherd’s Conference

Shepherds ConferenceI have been offered the privilege of liveblogging the 2006 Shepherd’s Conference. This conference, as you may know, is affiliated with Grace Community Church and, of course, John MacArthur. It runs from March 1 to 5 of 2006. I am thrilled to have this opportunity, not only to learn from what I’m sure will be a challenging time of examining God’s Word, but with the opportunity to share the conference through the Internet with those who are not able to attend. For every person who is able to attend, there must be ten or twenty who cannot. I trust that liveblogging will allow these people to follow along with the conference. I know that many people found this a helpful extension to the Desiring God Conference (links) as it allowed them a glimpse into the proceedings during that event. Naturally I have accepted the invitation.

Keynote speakers for this year’s event include Dr. John MacArthur, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. Steven Lawson, Dr. Ligon Duncan and Mark Dever (where was he when they were handing out the PhD’s?). Not to be outdone, the blogosphere’s own Phil Johnson will be leading several seminars, including one entitled “Rome is Burning: Examining the damning doctrines of Roman Catholicism.” Other seminar leaders include Rick Holland, Nathan Busenitz and Richard Mayhue. The scheduled is packed with ten general sessions and five seminar sessions. And to think that my fingers were burning at the conclusion of the eight sessions at Desiring God! Strangely enough, I will be seeing most of the keynote speakers just a few weeks later at the Together for the Gospel conference which I will also be liveblogging.

Unfortunately I will be on my own for travel and accomodations for the Shepherd’s Conference. For the first time in the long history of this site, I am going to ask readers if they would care to help me financially. Everything within me rebels against this. I have never put advertising on my site and have never linked to a tip jar. In fact, at least for the time being I do not want to ask for money and will not do so. I will merely provide people with the ability to donate to the cause should they feel so inclined. If you would like to donate, you can do so through the little “Dropcash Campaign” box in the right sidebar. I am targetting $500 as I feel that will likely be sufficient for airfare and accomodations. Any donations will be directed to my wife’s Paypal account and she will manage the finances. No donation is too small. I do apologize for bringing this up and hope you understand my reluctance in doing so. I trust that my blogging during the conference, as I do my best to bring you the words of such gifted and godly men, will somehow prove sufficient compensation.

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