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Hello from Savannah

Yesterday I was in Orlando, today I’m in Savannah. Throughout this year I will be consulting with Ligonier Ministries, working with them on developing content for their web sites and other digital platforms. We had planned this two-day series of meetings and they needed to include two groups of people. The halfway point between these groups was Savannah, Georgia. And it just so happens that someone in Savannah loaned us a beautiful beach house to meet in. So here we are, overlooking the water and enjoying the beauty of it all. But mostly we’re having day-long meetings.

Here’s the view from my room just after sunrise.


The drive from Florida and Georgia was uneventful in every way. And I mean that. We saw trees, trees and more trees. Occasionally we crossed a river. We did this for four hours or so and found ourselves in Savannah. Probably the most interesting thing I saw along the way was a giant sign saying “Beware of Poisonous Snakes.” I’d like one of those for my office. So the drive was uneventful but the company was great and we had a good time.

Savannah is beautiful. Though I haven’t had time to explore the city beyond a quick walk across part of the town, it is evidently a town just full of history. We came across a giant statue of John Wesley in a square here and hear rumor of a statue of George Whitefield. I may see if I can track him down.

Our plans for the day include meetings and meetings followed by meetings. After dinner there will be meetings. We will break at 1 PM to catch live blog coverage of the long-awaited Apple event (there isn’t streaming coverage of the event, is there?). And then we’ll go back to meeting. I do hope to sneak outside at some point to explore a little bit. It’s not every day that I get to stay in a place like this!

During the drive from Orlando to Savannah the three of us who drove together began talking about para-church ministries and pieced together a top ten list of ways you know you’re working for a bad para-church ministry. Here it is.

10. You incentivize financial giving by offering to send your donors inanimate objects that have been prayed over.

9. You’ve convened a committee to decide the name of your new Gulfstream jet.

8. Your ministry even has a Gulfstream jet.

7. Two words: scheduled revivals.

6. Your broadcast goes out only in tongues.

5. Every member of the board of directors has the same last name.

4. The guy you raised from the dead this morning is starting to smell pretty bad.

3. Your job postings include, “teeth-whitening a must.”

2. Your annual budget includes a line item for hairspray.

1. You read this list out loud and they fired you.

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