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New and Notable Music

New and Notable Music

It occurred to me recently that it has been a long time since I’ve put together a list of some of the new music I’ve encountered. I know there are some I’m forgetting, but here are at least a few of the albums that jumped out at me recently.

The Gray Havens. Their new album is titled She Waits. Those familiar with Dave and Licia Radford will find a lot to enjoy here and find it consistent with their previous work.

Keith & Kristyn Getty have two new albums. North Coast Sessions is a collection of psalms and hymns and was recorded “with their band in the little harbor of Portbradden along the North Antrim coast near the Getty’s home in Northern Ireland.” Getty Kids Hymnal is “the third in the Getty Kids Hymnal series which exists to help children learn the Christian faith through singing. With kid friendly arrangements recorded by the Getty’s band of Irish and American virtuosos and sung by kids, Getty Kids Hymnal – Family Hymn Sing is an album with songs the whole family can sing together!”

Ellie Holcomb. Ellie Holcomb has released a seven-song album for children titled Creation Songs. It’s catchy!

Matthew Smith. Though Matthew Smith’s album QuietHymns has been out for some time now, he’s just released a new video for the song “Let Me Find Thee.” Also be sure to watch the video for “God Himself” (which is outstanding as both a video and a hymn).

Jenny & Tyler. I have always enjoyed Jenny & Tyler and was glad to see they’ve released their first new album in a few years, There Will Be a Song.

Keswick. New from the Keswick conference in the UK is Sent which primarily features Stuart Townend. I especially appreciate the recording of “His Love Is More,” though there are many others that are well done.

Together for the Gospel IV Live. Coming later this week is Together for the Gospel IV Live which was recorded live at the 2018 Together for the Gospel conference.

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