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DVD Review – The Story of Eric Liddell

Last month I posted a review of Pure Gold, a wonderful biography of Eric Liddell. Liddell is best known for being the subject of the biographical film Chariots of Fire which traced his rise to prominence in Scotland. Liddell refused to participate in the Olympic race he was favored to win because to do so he would have had to violate his beliefs about the Sabbath. He became a hero to the Scottish nation for winning another event, and a hero to Christians for standing firm in his faith.

The Story of Eric Liddell is a thee-part Day of Discovery television production that examines Liddell’s life. It is hosted by David McCasland who authored Pure Gold, is available in both DVD and VHS and clocks in at about ninety minutes in length. It is a chronological biography of Liddell, and like the book, focuses primarily on his life after he left the spotlight and began his mission work in China. Liddell is portrayed as a reluctant hero who much preferred solitude over celebration and who had little desire to be the center of attention.

The production features significant amounts of photographs of Liddell as well as the few surviving videos of his races. Most importantly, it features interviews with members of his family, including two of his daughters, and many of the men and women who knew him and who were taught by him. The viewer will even meet some women who were led to faith by Liddell’s loving witness to them.

This short series is professional and well-produced. It is a wonderful complement to McCasland’s book and stands as a thoughtful biography of a man who has inspired so many. I highly recommend this DVD and am confident it would make a strong addition to church, school, public or personal video library. It is available from Discovery House Publications.

It is more biography than theology, but the doctrine in the product is strong.
N/ASpecial Features
There are no special features.
The best video biography of Liddell I’ve seen.
Liddell is a man who continues to inspire even today.
A wonderful, highly-recommended production.
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