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DVD Review – The Story of Amy Carmichael

“Amy Carmichael’s life is a model of selfless dedication to the Savior, a life of discipleship and abandonment. She lived for one reason, and that was to make God’s love known to those trapped in utter darkness.” So begins a short biography of Amy Carmichael, provided by InTouch Ministries. Carmichael is one of those Christian personalities from days past that I have never had opportunity to study, though I have often come across her name in other writings. I was eager, then, to watch The Story of Amy Carmichael: And The Dohnavur Fellowship. This is a presentation, nearly an hour long, that provides a short glimpse at her life and examines the work she left behind–a work that continues to this day.

The distributor, Vision Video, says the following of the film:

Early in her life, Amy Carmichael was called to the Lord’s work. She never hesitated to answer Him. After extensive mission work in her native Northern Ireland, Amy set off to distant shores. She longed to be in China where many of her missionary friends had gone to spread the Gospel and help those in need, but the Lord had another plan for Amy Carmichael. She would soon find herself in the mysterious land of India where the suffering was great and where her faith would be tested to the utmost–a place called Dohnavur, where God’s love truly exists.

This is a simple, bare bones film. It is well-made and contains enough information to provide an overview of Carmichael’s life. We watched it as a family and benefitted from doing so. And that, I believe, is as good a testimony as I can leave to a film. This makes an excellent choice for a church or public library, or perhaps a person library.

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