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WorshipGod06Just about a month from now, I will, Lord willing, have the privilege of live-blogging the Sovereign Grace Ministries WorshipGod06 Conference. This is the fifth occurence of this biannual event devoted to the theology, practice, and joy of God-honoring worship. It will be my first time attending. The main sessions of this year’s conference will explore the theme of “the glory of His presence.” “Throughout Scripture a distinguishing mark of God’s people has been His presence, especially during corporate worship. But how are we to understand God’s presence? If God is everywhere, why does He tell us to seek His presence continually (Psalm. 105:4)? What part do God’s Word and His Spirit play in making God’s presence known to us? What part do feelings play, if any, in being aware of God’s presence?”

The conference will be held at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland (the church home of both Josh Harris and C.J. Mahaney). The main sessions will be led by Bob Kauflin, Jeff Purswell, Mark Mullery and Craig Cabaniss with the final session featuring Randy Alcorn. The first night’s worship session will feature Keith and Kristyn Getty. Keith, as you may know, is co-author of the modern hymn “In Christ Alone.” He is a composer who has been active in the record, concert, film, and television industries. He has written several internationally known hymns with Stuart Townend, including “In Christ Alone.” Keith’s wife, singer and songwriter Kristyn Getty, will appear with him at WorshipGod06, as part of the worship team and in training songwriters.

In addition to six main sessions, the conference offers more than 30 seminars for pastors, worship leaders, instrumentalists, vocalists, sound teams, and anyone who wants to grow in passion for God’s glory in Christ.

If you would like to learn more about this conference, you can check the official web site and blog.

I will be providing live updates for each of the main sessions and potentially some of the seminars. I hope to be able to convey some of the atmosphere of the conference and to share much of the teaching that will be provided to those of us in attendance. I hope and trust that my efforts will prove valuable. I continue to learn about live-blogging as I do it and feel that previous experience has taught me a few lessons I hope I can apply to this conference.

I hope you’ll stop by this site from August 9 to 12 to follow along.

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