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The Shepherd’s Conference

I have been given the great privilege of liveblogging this year’s Shepherd’s Conference. The conference, which is geared primarily towards pastors and is sponsored by Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, is composed of both General Sessions and Conference Seminars.

The General Sessions “are times when we gather as one great congregation to worship the Lord in music and sit under the teaching of godly men—men who have proven themselves to be passionate teachers of God’s Word and faithful shepherds of God’s people.” The keynote speakers at these General Sessions are: John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, and Steve Lawson.

The Conference Seminars allow “access to a variety of teaching from pastors and elders of Grace Community Church and professors from The Master’s College and Seminary. Seminar topics range from expository preaching and shepherdology to key theological issues vital for shepherds today.” Among the seminar leaders are Phil Johnson, Irv Busenitz, Nathan Busenitz, Rick Holland, Steve Lawson and Richard Mayhue.

There will be eleven General Seminars and each person will attend five of the more than forty Conference Seminars. While there are different “tracks” available, I am attending seminars on a variety of topics.

I have been given free rein as to how I blog the conference. My intent is to allow those who are not able to attend the conference to be able to understand what is happening and perhaps to gain some idea of the atmosphere at such a gathering. I will provide commentary on each of the General Sessions as they unfold and will also comment on the Seminars I choose to attend. I am hoping to have opportunity to speak with some attendees and ask how they are enjoying their time. I hope that my endeavors will prove valuable to those who choose to read the updates.

I am on my way to Los Angeles today (with a three-hour stop in Atlanta) and will begin blogging in earnest when the conference begins at 10 AM (Pacific Standard Time) on Wednesday March 5. I’d appreciate your prayers for my travelling safety and for the healty and safety of my family while I am away. There will be people staying with my family, so I do not really fear for their safety, but I do tend to miss them when I am away!

If you have any input as to how I can make the liveblogging of this conference more valuable for you, the reader, please do not hesitate to let me know, either by sending an email or by posting a comment.

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