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Here are some more photographs from the conference—these ones from day two.

Together for the Gospel - Worship

Worshiping through song.

Together for the Gospel - Worship

Worshiping the Lord together.

Together for the Gospel - John MacArthur

John MacArthur receiving a medallion commemorating 25 years since the release of the first volume of the MacArthur New Testament Commentary series.

There are more photos after the jump (i.e. after you click on the link to continue reading). I wanted to be sensitive to those who have slower internet connections…

Together for the Gospel - John MacArthur

John MacArthur preaching the word.

Together for the Gospel - John MacArthur

John MacArthur and a fan.

Together for the Gospel - Bookstore

Blowing the book budget.

Together for the Gospel - Bookstore

Ditto for this guy.

Together for the Gospel - Josh Harris

The cult of Starbucks continues to grow as Joshua Harris attempts to bless a cup of coffee.

Together for the Gospel - Together

Together for the Gospel…together.

Together for the Gospel - Interpretation

The conference offers interpretation for the deaf.

Together for the Gospel - Interpretation

And the interpretation even extends to the music.

Together for the Gospel - Exhibitions

Some attendees browsing the exhibits.

Together for the Gospel - Bo Lotinsky

Do you know Bo…?

Together for the Gospel - Bo Lotinsky

…because he’s watching you.

Photos are courtesy of Together for the Gospel

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