Yesterday I had the honor of serving at the Shepherd’s Conference Scholar’s Desk. This is a stand-up desk where experts on various fields are available to answer questions on a given topic. Together with Nathan Busenitz we fielded questions for an hour on the subject of blogging. And it was a lot of fun. Some theological questions arose and I pretty well just deferred to Nathan on these since he is, after all, a PhD candidate who works as John MacArthur’s personal assistant.
We had a good range of questions ranging from the best blogging software for particular blogging applications all the way to the usefulness of blogging for ministry. The questions gave me a lot to think about and at some point I hope to write a whole series about blogging. I’ve also been asked to lead a seminar about blogging and ministry at an upcoming conference and this has given me an idea of the questions and concerns I may want to answer at that time.
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