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On My Way to T4G

I am on my way to Together for the Gospel. Two vans loaded down with guys from my church (and from a couple of other local churches) are currently heading down the 401 (and then I-75), hoping to arrive on time for dinner in Louisville. As I did at the last conference, I’ll be bringing blog updates your way throughout. I don’t think there is actually a Internet connection in the conference center so I may have to get a bit inventive, but I will try to update as often as possible. This year I am hoping to bring you some audio and/or video updates as well, so keep an eye out for those.

Before the conference actually begins, I am slated to be a member of the panel at the second Band of Bloggers event. I’ll serve there along with Thabiti Anyabwile, Justin Taylor, Phil Johnson and Abraham Piper. We’ll be focusing on “the gospel trust” and then enjoying a time of fellowship together.

And then, of course, the real conference will begin. Over two half days and one full day we’ll hear from Al Mohler, C.J. Mahaney, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, Thabiti Anyabwile, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul and John Piper. It is going to be a packed schedule but I’m anticipating a great time of sitting under the teaching of the Word. So stay tuned here throughout the conference and I’ll try to bring updates as often as I can (and I’ll be sure to tell you all about the books and other free stuff we hope to collect there!).

If you are looking for more, here are 19 reasons Thabiti is looking forward to T4G. And, of course, you can check in with the official site to keep an eye on the schedule.

I have one prayer request. Make that two. First pray for traveling mercies for all of the 5000+ people who will be traveling to Louisville for this conference. And more personally, please pray for my family. There is still some sickness in my home. It’s not enough that I needed to stay home, but still enough that Aileen would sure appreciate having the kids just get over the bugs that are plaguing them. Your prayers would be appreciated!

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