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Ligonier Conference (VI)

Until today I had never attended a conference featuring Ravi Zacharias. I know a fair bit about the man as his reputation precedes him, but had never sat under his teaching. Now that I’ve done so I can affirm that I have never been and will never be a philosopher. I am a simple guy I guess. While I enjoyed his discussion on the existence of God, a whole lot of it went right over my head. This made it, understandably, I’m sure, quite difficult to encapsulate. Furthermore, he does much of his teaching in the form of stories and anecdotes and it is awfully difficult to quickly and neatly type these up in the heat of battle. So with great shame I admit that I’ve got no liveblog of this session to share with you.

What I do know is that his speech answered three questions: What are the intense philosophical problems arising from denial of God’s existence? How do we demonstrate God’s existence? How is the Christian faith unique in portraying God? To answer the first question he said that a denial of God’s existence presents a problem with defining or arriving at morality, that it removes any way of positing meaning, and that it takes away all hope. To answer the second question he, well, he just made it even more difficult for me. So tell you what. How about you just download the audio when it is available. I’m sure you’ll find it beneficial. And I dare you to try to take good notes while listening the first time! Even if my pride is damaged, I am at least comforted by the fact that he said the session would be very difficult for note-takers…

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